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Analyzer sip

This analyzer listens to SIP packets and reconstruct calls and dialogs from them.


Name Payload associated Description
sip_callyesBegins when a call starts and ends when the call hangs up.
sip_call_dialnoA SIP call is being dialed and not yet ringing.
sip_call_ringingnoA SIP call is ringing.
sip_call_connectnoA SIP call connected (got picked up).
sip_call_hangupnoA SIP call was hanged up.
sip_call_dtmfnoOccurs on DTMF signal (from SIP INFO method).

Common parameters

Most SIP events have the following common parameters :

Field Type Description
from_displaystringDisplay name of the caller.
from_uristringURI of the caller.
to_displaystringDisplay name of the callee.
to_uristringURI of the callee.
call_idstringCall-ID of the call.


This event is generated for each call. It begins when an INVITE is sent and ends when a timeout or a BYE is seen.

Field Type Description
trying_durationuint32Duration of the trying state in seconds.
ringing_durationuint32Duration of the ringing state in seconds.
connected_durationuint32Duration of the connected state in seconds.

Additionally the sip_call event has all the common parameters described above.


This event is generated when an INVITE is sent. It only has the common parameters described above.


This event is generated when a 180 Ringing event is received. It only has the common parameters described above.


This event is generated when a 200 OK event is received. It only has the common parameters described above.


This event is generated when a BYE event is received or when the call timeout occurs. It only has the common parameters described above.


This event is generated when a INFO packet with content type application/dtmf-relay is received. It has the following parameters :

Field Type Description
signalstringThe key being pressed.
durationuint16Duration of the key press in milliseconds.


Name Type Default value Description
dialog_timeoutuint32300Timeout for SIP dialogs.
dialog_connected_timeoutuint3210800Timeout for dialogs which established a call (UDP only).
pom-ng/analyzer/sip.1436472876.txt.gz · Last modified: 2020/05/26 21:59 (external edit)