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Plugin log_txt

The event plugin log_txt will save events in a text file according to a predefined format.


Name Default value Description
filenamelog.txtFile to save the logs to.
event Event that will be processed.
format Log format. See below for explanations.

Log format

The log format is a line that describe how to log an event in the text file. The plugin will change $variable into the actual event variable name. For variable that contain a list, use the syntax $variable[item]. Here are a few examples :

Event Format Example result
http_requestThe URL is “$url” and cookie is “$query_headers[cookie]“The URL is ”/index.html” and cookie is “__utmz=245121810.1299747004.46.1.utmcsr=(direct)|utmccn=(direct)|utmcmd=(none)“
arp_new_staNew station : $ip_addr $mac_addr on input '$input'New station : 00:1A:2B:3C:4D:5E on input 'my_input'
pom-ng/lua/plugins/log_txt.1351082693.txt.gz · Last modified: 2020/05/26 21:59 (external edit)