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This target will dump part of the HTTP traffic into usable files. It uses the Mime-Type provided by the server and a database in flat file format to match the right files to dump.


Name Default value Description
prefix/tmp/Prefix of the files including the path. For example, a prefix of '/tmp/dump' will create files in /tmp and named dump-XXXXXXXX. The prefix supports variable expansion. See File path expansion for more details.
decompressyesEnable gzip/deflate support. Content will be dumped as is otherwise. This parameter is only present if zlib support is compiled in.
mime_types_db${DATAROOT}/mime_types.dbPath to the database of mime types. See here for the latest mime database content.
log_file Path to the log file. When non empty, target_http will log the requests in this file according in the format described in the parmarameter log_format.
log_format%v %a %u %t “%r” %s %bFormat of log lines in the log file. Very similar to the format of apache2's mod_log_config. See the table below for supported expansions.
ds_log_path Path to the datastore. When non empty, target_http will log the requests in the provided datastore according in the format described in the parmarameter ds_log_format. The syntax is <datastore_name>/<dataset_prefix>.
ds_log_format%v %a %u %t %r %s %bFormat of the dataset where logging information will be saved. The table below describe the supported fields. Extra characters will be ignored.
dump_imgnoEnable dumping of the image files.
dump_vidnoEnable dumping of the video files.
dump_sndnoEnable dumping of the sound files.
dump_txtnoEnable dumping of the text files.
dump_binnoEnable dumping of the binary files.
dump_docnoEnable dumping of the document files.

Expansions for the parameter log_format :

Format String Description
%%The percent sign.
%aClient IP address.
%AServer IP address.
%bSize of response in bytes, excluding HTTP headers.
%BSize of response in bytes, excluding HTTP headers in CLF format, i.e. a '-' rather than a 0 when no bytes are sent.
%DTime taken to serve the request, in microseconds.
%fName of the file saved on the disk.
%HRequest protocol.
%{Foobar}iThe contents of Foobar: header line(s) in the request sent to the server.
%mRequest method.
%{Foobar}oThe contents of Foobar: header line(s) in the reply.
%pPort of the server.
%PPassword of the user querying the server.
%rFirst line of request.
%sStatus value.
%tTime the request was received.
%TTime taken to serve the request in seconds.
%uUsername provided when doing the request.
%UURL path requested.
%vServer name (same as %{Host}i).

Expansions for the parameter ds_log_format :

Format String Name used in the dataset Description
%aclient_addrClient IP address.
%Aserver_addrServer IP address.
%bresponse_sizeSize of response in bytes, excluding HTTP headers.
%Dserv_time_msTime taken to serve the request, in microseconds.
%ffilenameName of the file saved on the disk.
%Hrequest_protoRequest protocol.
%{Foobar}ihdr_req_<header_name>The contents of Foobar: header line(s) in the request sent to the server.
%mrequest_methodRequest method.
%{Foobar}ohdr_resp_<header_name>The contents of Foobar: header line(s) in the reply.
%pserver_portPort of the server.
%PpasswordPassword of the user querying the server.
%rrequest_first_lineFirst line of request.
%sstatusStatus value.
%trequest_recvd_timeTime the request was received.
%Trequest_elapsed_timeTime taken to serve the request in seconds.
%uusernameUsername provided when doing the request.
%UurlURL path requested.
%vserver_nameServer name (same as %{Host}i).
pom/target/http.1350033846.txt.gz · Last modified: 2020/05/26 21:59 (external edit)