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Events are the link between parsing protocols and doing something useful with the result. The events will describe what happened on a protocol level with as much details as possible.

Some events have one or more payload associated to them. For example, an HTTP request has a payload associated to it when the server returns the content of a web page. It might also have another payload associated if the client sends some information via a POST request.

Here is a list of all the events :

Name Source Payload associated Description
arp_new_staanalyzer arpnoNew station found.
arp_sta_changedanalyzer arpnoStation MAC address changed.
dns_recordanalyzer dnsnoNew DNS record found.
docsis_cm_newanalyzer docsisnoA new cable modem has been found.
docsis_cm_reg_statusanalyzer docsisnoThe registration status of a cable modem changed.
http_queryprotocol httpnoContains all the information about an HTTP query made by a client to a server.
http_requestanalyzer httpyesCompound event containing informations from both http_query and http_response event.
http_responseprotocol httpnoContains all the information about an HTTP response sent to a client by a server.
smtp_authanalyzer smtpnoContains credentials for SMTP authentication.
smtp_cmdprotocol smtpnoContains SMTP commands sent by clients.
smtp_msganalyzer smtpyesGenerated for each SMTP message.
smtp_replyprotocol smtpnoContains SMTP replies from the server.
tftp_fileanalyzer tftpyesContains all the information about files transfered through TFTP.
pom-ng/events.1375443037.txt.gz · Last modified: 2020/05/26 21:59 (external edit)